Miriam Carey: Murdered in the Streets of Washington

     Miriam Carey, a young, pretty, but delusional, mother was murdered on the streets of D.C. last week by a group of drama queen cops. 

     Did Ms. Carey pose a dangerous threat to the public? Yes she did. She had tried to break a White House barrier with her car and having failed, led cops on a high speed chase through Washington D.C., a city inundated with pissed off tourists who came to see their beloved National Capital only to find it closed for business. She would eventually ram a police car, totaling it and injuring a cop. She would then, somehow, manage to allude a police barrier and race to the east side of the capital where she would be stopped and shot to death in her car with her one year old child in the back seat.

     Hours later, congressmen would appear behind their podiums in the womb of the safety of a hunkered down national capital and wax eloquent (or maybe not so eloquent) on the “bravery” of the D.C. Cops who sent Miriam Carey to the great beyond. 

     Miriam Carey died because law enforcement, who failed so miserably to save 12 people from an armed maniac just a couple of weeks earlier, needed to display their new sense of security. The laughable thing is there are probably more than a few disgruntled tourists who may have wished Ms. Carey had run over a sizable portion of the members of congress responsible for the Government shut down before she went out in a blaze of glory.

     According to most press reports, Miriam Carey was suffering from post natal stress which resulted in delusional behavior. 

     There will be inquiries and there should be. Call me stupid, but did any of these coppers think if shooting out the tires of the car of blowing away the engine block? Nope. Doubt that. These cops wanted to do one thing. They wanted to kill the driver of the car because this was happening in the national capital and we don’t fuck around in the national capital do we?

      Sadly enough, even after the inquiries nothing will change. Even if a few cops are fired, there will always be enough American idiots in cop uniforms to maintain the shoot first, ask later, mentality of American law enforcement.

     Nobody is questioning that Miriam Carey was posing a threat. Sick or not, she was loose on the streets of D.C. Had she run over a one year old instead of having one in the back seat, the story of the demise of Miriam Carey would be different. I don’t know. 

     But consider this, back in February, a father was charged with murder after shooting to death a drunk driver who had crashed into his car and killed his two young sons. Now many of us (including me) would say the drunken fucker had it coming. But unlike that Drunk, Miriam Carey did not choose to be delusional. She was sick. Miriam Carry had killed no one.

     Murder is murder. And D.C. Cops have the blood of Miriam Carey on their hands.


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